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It’s hard to imagine that January is coming to an end. It feels like the year just started and here at Ably, we still have that inspiring feeling that comes with new beginnings. We’re reaffirming our goals and values, making some commitments to ourselves, to our brand and to you, our customers.
Stay on the lookout for even more amazing Ably Apparel®: a larger variety of 100% natural cotton apparel without wavering on quality or eco-friendliness. Our commitment is to apply eco-friendly, nano-free Filium® technology to enable 21st century apparel: clothing that uses technology to minimize damage to the environment. We want our consumers to think about their clothing differently.
Here at Ably, we’re firm believers in doing our part to reduce our carbon footprint, and our consumers are too. Clothing isn’t meant to be purchased and discarded after just a couple of wears and washes. Every piece of clothing you discard contributes to landfills filled with synthetic, inorganic materials that pollute our earth. Did you know that the clothing industry is the second largest polluter in the world, second only to oil? Even producing organic cotton uses gallons of water.
At Ably, we support all products that positively affect our lifestyles and the environment. We’ve created clothing that’s stain and odor repellent not because it’s a “cool party trick” (although it is). We’ve created apparel that is durable, long-lasting and comfortable. By reducing the number of times you have to wash your Ably apparel, you’re reducing water usage during laundry, lowering the amount of detergent chemicals polluting the oceans, AND helping your clothing last longer. Less laundry also means that you will use less energy, saving you money and providing you with more time to enjoy the most versatile natural apparel from Ably.
By investing in good-quality clothing that doesn’t require constant washing, your clothing won’t end up in a landfill six months after purchase. Instead, it will last a lot longer.
It’s never the wrong time to commit to a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Do your part to lower your carbon footprint. Invest in good-quality, long-lasting clothing instead of polluting landfills with discarded, poor-quality clothing. Do less laundry and reduce your water usage.
In return, we promise you this: as technology continues to improve, our apparel will continue to evolve. We see a future where 21st century apparel isn’t just a tagline, but a lifestyle.